Friday, 17 February 2012

Inventor Roger Brown Ignorant to women?

It's no secret Roger Brown helps Mark Reyland research and gain information on (stalk?)women Mark wants to verbally assault using public media, including forwarding private emails for Reyland to use and change to suit his needs but this public statement he writes going after a women's personal life pretty much says it all for us. He can also ASSUME he had made an ass of himself publicly, again. Roger, you do know some of the women you constantly google have trackers on their websites, right? This could be seen as obsessive.

Roger Brown

Monday, 6 February 2012

A Little Look Back

Let’s see what we have just off the top of our heads...
Mark Reyland rips off inventor which became VERY public
Mark Reyland claims rights to others`inventions because he wants money
Mark Reyland gets sued for not paying monies owed
Mark Reyland claims BS on everything he claims
Mark Reyland forced to change his public bio because the UIA never looked into his background
The UIA admits not to looking into MarK Reyland's bio but relied on what he told them!?
Mark Reyland approaches female inventor as Johnny Gee with an adult toy
Mark Reyland has children on his blog in a video without parental consent
Mark Reyland stalked a woman’s spouse and claimed to the company the wife was involved in organized crime and now the company was under investigation because they employed the spouse.
Mark Reyland stalks women and attempts to hurt them financially
Mark Reyland stole Troy Robisons’s identity to post false allegations on a company contact form
Mark Reyland stole Warren Tuttle’s identity to post a favourable letter about himself
Mark Reyland threatens a woman publicly about plans to ruin her
Mark Reyland drills holes into leased cars and refuses to pay the bill (proof coming)
Mark Reyland “rigs” inventions to work when they clearly do not
Mark Reyland calls an answering service “his office”
Mark Reyland steals special ops agent profile and forgets to remove the guys name
Mark Reyland and Bonnie Kaake publicly accuse Patrick Raymond of taking money from a company

We sit back and review a few of the many things wrong with this guy and have to ask the question. Why is he part of the UIA and why is Warren Tuttle okay with this all. Is Warren Tuttle of the same calibre as Mark Reyland? Makes you wonder what the rest of these board members are like, doesn`t it?

We're told the inventor memberships were not always free but since no inventor wanted to pay for it the UIA dropped the fee. We`d be curious to how many of those memberships are even active but without paying for it, there`s simply no way to tell. We`re almost positive it`s not what Mark Reyland claims.
We know MUCH more about Reyland including whom else he had plans to steal inventions from and the mistakes he made while dropping his guard looking for others he could trust to join what he wanted to create.  
We were sent another interesting link to follow along with. Someone seems a little unstable. We bet you can guess who we're talking about. How does this guy look in the mirror or sleep at night with all the craziness he pulls on people! 
Some have metioned how Mark Reyland must be rich with the UIA paying very little. We believe Reyland has always been unemplyed with his family financially supporting him while he spend his hours in his basement office looking for new ways to con people out of their hard earned money. Maybe he should be forced off his computer, out of chatrooms and go get a job.  It would save so many people so much heart ache.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Mark Reyland FORCED to Remove MOST of Unproven Bio?

We're working on it for our loyal readers but it may appear with all the noise Troy, Derek, Nancy and John are making, this may just be true.

A couple of weeks back we read how John Young asked Warren Tuttle if he wrote a letter and posted it under the UIA name on Linkedin. Turns out it was Mark Reyland parading as Warren Tuttle behind it all. Now THAT was a surprise (not really)

Next, John wrote Mark Reyland didn't show anyone any credentials! WHAT?! The UIA put him in position over a few words which were complete BS?!? It now appears to be exactly what happened. Reyland's bio has shrunk and the only thing he really claims is many retail products. There's only one problem with this. We can't find any. Maybe he negotiated with Warren Tuttle about what he would be willing to take down as long as he can keep claiming a little BS.

John also reports Reyland still claims rights to inventions he clearly has no rights to. Now isn't THAT  CLEAR product theft? He claims he has rights because he wants money. LOL- don't we all! The sad part is it's reported Mark Reyland didn't put any of his own money into any invention and the business partners who did gave the inventor her rights back to her product. Sorry again Reyland...another lie.

Stay tuned...we're searching for exactly what's going on!