Thursday, 12 April 2012

Old Friend Appears As Thankful Inventor

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Juan Cepeda-Rizo

We've seen the latest headlines from Inventor Roger Brown and UIA executive director Mark Reyland spamming sites with "Inventor Thanks Roger Brown and Mark Reyland". Who is this inventor? No stranger to the EN community apparently. This is the inventor Mark Reyland manipulated into sending out emails reporting Edison Nation as an invention submission company and demanding they be investigated. Unfortunately for Juan, Mark Reyland forwarded a few of Juan's emails to other inventors boasting of how he convinced Juan to report Edison Nation. Also unfortunate for all 3 involved, a couple of those inventors forwarded those same emails of Juan's to us. We're going to suggest even this post below may have been orchistated by Mark Reyland.


Doesn’t Edison Nation have to comply to the The American Inventors Protection Act of 1999? The law states that all Invention Promotion companies need to disclose the following information:
  • how many inventions it has evaluated;
  • how many of those inventions got positive or negative evaluations (legitimate companies will have a fairly low acceptance rate, usually under 5%);
  • its total number of customers;
  • how many of those customers received a net financial profit from the promoter’s services (that is, the number of clients who made more money from their invention than they paid to the company); and
  • how many of those customers have licensed their inventions due to the promoter’s services (if the success rate is too low, between 2 and 5%, the company’s services may not be worth your out-of-pocket expenses).

On the link below is Juan thanking Mark Reyland and inventor Roger Brown. Not sure he should be thanking Mark Reyland for sharing all his confidential emails and appearing to be used as just another stepping stone for Reyland in his quest to destroy Edison Nation.

We view Juan as one of Mark Reyland's victims.

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