We're not sure where Reyland went to business school but we think it may involve BIG FAT coloring crayons and staying within the lines. Maybe Warren Tuttle, also a LifeTime Brands product scout, can help inventors by sending Reyland and his box of crayons home. Reyland can't stay within lines, ethical or otherwise.
We wonder if Anthony Sullivan knows CONMAN Mark Reyland Executive Director of the UIA has stolen his Identity like he has others. The MORON mass emailed this to thousands of UIA members. Anthony Sullivan is NOT part of this UIA ASOTV search so dont be FOOLED. Were wondering if Anthony Sullivan will have any LIABILITY if AN inventor gets RIPPED OFF from this ASOTV search he doesn't even know about. What a MORON Mark Reyland is to do this. Were guessing that he had Jizz all over his keyboard when he hit send email.
Mark Reyland running the UIA into a massive TRAIN WRECK getting all these UIA Certified Companies Involved. Especially the State of Virginia.We hope he washed his Greasy Hands off before grabbing the controls.
Everybody Hang On Your in for the ride of your LIFE
From: The UIA Staff <inventorclubs@uiausa.org>
To: ZORRO/SLASHES@gmail.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 1:43 PM
Subject: Virginia ASOTV Product Search

United Inventors Association | 1025 Connecticut Ave. | Washington, District of Columbia 20036 | United States Warren Tuttle when are you going to REMOVE this CONMAN?
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