Sunday, 21 April 2013

Mark Reyland Comes Clean !

We cant help but think what the United Inventors Association Board and UIA members think about this.

Mark T. Reyland
Mark T. Reyland

I would like to end the battle with a confession and apology to all of you. I truly hope for forgiveness.

I have spent the last 10 years of my life learning how to best serve the inventing community. In that time I've built businesses, but failed businesses, failed inventors, never brought products to market, miscalculated, over-calculated, laughed, cried and had the time of my life.

But, like any journey, it's important to stop sometimes and recognize the mistakes that have brought me to where I am today. I choose to give myself the gifts of humility and reflection.

The only professional honor I have ever been granted is the opportunity to serve all of you as the Executive Director of the United Inventors Association of America. Its an honor I fight to hold on to at any cost.

I intend to continue my tenure accomplishing the things we've set out to do. But before I move forward, I must first apologize for the lies Ive told in creating the ongoing situation with Troy "Gizmo" Robison, John Young and Nancy Tedeschi ,Peter Dunn, Derek Pater . It has been a difficult battle and one I'm eager to put behind me. They were in fact correct about me in all their accusations.

Although my intentions have always been to help better the inventing community, I'd like to sincerely and publicly apologize to any and all I may have hurt over these many years with my deception and lies Please accept my deepest apology and let us move forward towards a more positive day.

The truth is, I have no industry success, I have no products on the market. I over exaggerated my credentials on the UIA application, because I wanted that position to be looked up to in the industry. Warren Tuttle the UIA president knows this now, but because Ive been doing a good job funding the UIA its over looked now.

To the inventing community, the UIA Board and the UIA members ;

I am responsible for false accusations against Troy "Gizmo" Robison, John Young and Nancy Tedeschi, Derek Pater and Peter Dunn.

Also I'm responsible for making false reports to LinkedIn to have them silenced and am directly responsible for the banning of John Young.

Many of you received private messages from both Roger Brown and myself asking for you to file complaints against him. It worked, John is now gone and I apologise to him and all of you for my part in it. Ive created many false profiles to use against them in the complaints. I had no choice at the time and saw no other way to hide their accusations that at the time wasn't ready to confess to.

I won't allow these mistakes to distract me from my mission of inventor education. I will continue to travel, listen, and talk to the thousands of you who feel as passionate about inventing as I do. I will continue to work tirelessly, to help make the UIA the best resource for inventors and to change to a standard of behavior we as an industry can be proud to one day achieve.

I ask for your forgiveness and that of the ones I almost destroyed who were only telling the truth to protect inventors from my deception and false credential claims at the time. From this day forward I hope to put this all behind us and start new and honestly from now on

I truly love our industry, I love what we're capable of producing together, and I'm excited to continue serving all of you well into the future.

Mark T Reyland, Executive Director
The United Inventors Association of America

Peter Dunn
Peter Dunn
I was reluctant to let you into the group Mark after all of the issues about yourself and the UIA. Anyway thanks for the apology it is a little late but appreciated

Mark T. Reyland
Mark T. Reyland
I am truly sorry for the lies and accusations against all of you. I realize that you, your friends and group are for the good of the inventors.

I wanted to help too, but no one knew who I was in the beginning. I had to create an image for myself and made up claims to do it. You and the others were right about me the whole time. You could see through it as I now know everyone could.

Now I'm done with the deception and want to start off in a new way. I must admit I was surprised you allowed me to join, but I wanted to apologize here to you first for all the stalker claims.

I know you are a good guy and you are a fighter also. Others gave up after a few posts I made against them, but not you and the others.

That's a team I would like to be a part of, 2 years of battle and you never backed down. Well you won, and I'm very sorry, please I beg your forgiveness and would like to put the past behind us
32 minutes ago

Peter Dunn
 Peter Dunn
It's time to move on Mark. I hope that you can continue on your new path. On reflection it is John Young who you should really apologize to as it is he who has suffered the most. Being banned from LinkedIn because of your actions is incomprehensible so I hope you can make amends.

Mark T. Reyland
Mark T. Reyland
This is for Tania Reynaert ,

Tania I apologize for calling your husbands employer, also for making others think poorly of you. Yes I added my name to your patent application and you caught me. I wasn't thinking clearly back then, everything I tried in inventing industry failed. I saw your idea as a vehicle to get some recognition and now know it was wrong. I'm sorry for dragging you through the mud and creating a circus every time you tried to bring it to light. I especially beg your forgiveness.

Troy Robision, you are one hell of a researcher, you saw through every thing I tried to do.I had no choice but to ruin your name and call you a criminal and a stalker. That's why I would never answer the questions about my back ground, because you had the answers. I avoided answering them by the only way I could by discrediting you. We were friends once and I would like to once again to have that privilege.

Nancy Tedeschi, You have done things I could only dream of, it hurt to see others like you succeed while I was left behind. So I did to you what I did to all the others, I lied about you. You are a beautiful intelligent lady and I hope you also accept my apology

John Young, Sorry for all the harm I caused you. I will contact LinkedIn to try to have you reinstated.

Derek Pater, Sorry mate, I hope we can be friends.

Let there be no mistake, I was wrong and now admit it. I would like second chance.

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