Wow this Clown Mark Reyland is a real Piece of $HIT. Now he's going after the UIA and Warren Tuttle. It doesn't surprise us after the UIA handed him his walking papers . He headed out the door with his dirty diaper on and it looks like he's still wearing it. We already knew Warren Tuttle was all about promoting himself for professional gain through the UIA. He's proved that for years. Tuttle had to get rid of Reyland after we found out he submitted Reyland's colander invention he submitted to LifeTime Brands. Yeah it was the same concept Lesia Farmer Licensed to LifeTime Brands through Warren. Actually Reyland's was more of a Cow Pie picker upper than a colander. You can read all about it through this blog.
Reyland's statement below makes us laugh. "Slimiest" Really, that's calling the kettle black
"Set aside the fact that when I left, the UIA turned functional control over to one of the slimiest board members in the group,"
Reyland's just pissed off he lost his UIA position and wants to toss stones just like he always has. Were wondering if he tossed stones at the guy that his wife Debra divorced him for :)
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
I think I'm going to puke.....
I received this email from the UIA today and it made me sick....
Set aside the fact that when I left, the UIA turned functional control over to one of the slimiest board members in the group, giving the entire membership list to their marketing department and letting their sales people field your calls and Emails.
Set aside the fact that they sold out the membership to some DC lobby group for a piece of legislation they themselves said had little effect on you as inventors - then tried to convince you it was in your best interest.
Set aside the fact that they now hired a career government guy who is neither an inventor or a business person, a guy who in my opinion built a career at the USPTO selling out the inventors he was charged with supporting in favor of every promotion that came down the pike, building that career in bed with some of the biggest crooks in our industry.
NOW... they want you to celebrate the UIA as Warren and his merry band of opportunists allow the crooks and scumbags we worked so hard to get rid of take back the ship. If they want to be "Our UIA" we need to hold them accountable for the decisions they make and the people they associate with.
Warren always told me that "if the time comes when I'm not helping the UIA anymore I'll leave" of course he didn't really mean it.... but after selling us out over and over, and associating the organization with one crook after another - I think it's time.
Mark Reyland