Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Mark T. Reyland's Burger Flipping Colander.

Well the 2014 International Hardware Show was a hit without Mark T. Reyland this year. Hard to BELEIVE isn't it. What a BLESSING it is to NOT have this lying CONMAN in the Inventor Community anymore. We here he's working at the White Castle LITTLE BURGER Joint in Charleston N.C flipping Burgers. Yes this man LOVES Burgers almost as much as he LOVES HIMSELF. Give it 4 or 5 month he will have CEO White Castle on his resume.

You just never know what Mark's capable of with FAKE accomplishments. Maybe he's using his Stupid Colander he designed around Trap Door Colander Lesia Farmer invented and Licensed to LTB. We would think he would have a better chance getting a job at a dog kennel picking up Dog $hit with that contraption. His design was sooooo stupid looking and had huge handles on it. All we can do is laugh thinking about that damn thing. What's more Stupid is Warren Tuttle the President of the UIA actually presented it to LifeTime Brands.

Well ..with THIS CLOWN out of the way maybe the New UIA director Paul Niemann can clean up the Organization once and for all. The next unethical board member that needs to go is Warren for putting Reyland in the drivers seat in 2010.

If anyone wants to stop in at the White Castle to visit Reyland please go to the bath room before hand. Our guess is you will PISS your pants watching this ASSHOLE flipping burgers with his colander. Holy Cray that's a picture everyone needs to see.

Well at least Matt Spangard and Louis Foreman over at Edison Nation can sleep at thing without having to put up with this Moron and his FAKE user profiles on the forums. Louis has Inventor Roger Brown so handcuffed from getting on other forums with his Mark Reyland supporting BS. Were waiting to here Roger has his head stuck up Reyland's again then were going to take him out of the Inventor Community also.

Matt & Louis, Hats off to you guys for having a safe place for inventors to learn and have a fighting chance to make their dreams come true.

Until Next time CHOW!

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