Monday, 19 December 2011

Quick Quick..NOW NOW

Monday, December 19

ASOTV in Miami Florida!

For the last 25 years the United Inventors Association of America has been about developing and presenting educational programs for inventors. But that’s not all we do… a large part of our mission is to create opportunities for inventors to meet the people who can help them with the commercialization process.
This fall we conducted a search program for members of our UIA Inventor Clubs Across America program.Local clubs sent in hundreds of submissions for their ASOTV product ideas and the nice people at TeleBrands combed through them selecting the top 23 ideas to be pitched live.
This event was such a great success we’re doing it again – this time in sunny Miami Florida. The UIA, TeleBrands, United Patent Research, and The Inventors Society of South Florida have come together to create the southeastern ASOTV Inventors club product search.
If you are a member of one of the following clubs, or you live in the area of a club and would like to join – You can participate in this chance to skip the line and go straight to the top of the largest ASOTV product company in the world.
But don’t wait too long – download the forms, fill them out, and send them to your local club. Who knows, you could end up with the next million dollar ASOTV product!
Mark Reyland,
What products were chosen for testing in the ASOTV category Telebrands chose to test and were successful due to your involvment? Oh let us guess, this is a secret but the UIA and in particular, Mark reyland, wants to see MORE ideas and inventions based on a simple statement you chose to publish. Given a great % of the posts you publish are out right lies, we have to question this one as well.
You are a big fake and not an expert in the ASOTV division. This has been proven to us time and time again.
Reyland appears to be moving fast and frantic now...the successful and true professional inventors are banding together globally and growing against him. It must be terrifying seeing he has NOTHING successful and nothing to offer inventors other than his empty words and lies. Did we mention his position is coming up for renewal soon? He's panicking because he has not yet been offered a job from a big company in product development which he was so desperately seeking and hoping for when he conned the UIA into allowing him the position he now has! It must be nice to be paid by the UIA funds to travel around job seeking.
Anyone who tries to hurry you into a commitment is nothing more than a hard salesman trying to prevent you from reading the small print...even if it isn't there to read! It's marketed as a "call to action" and developed for getting people to buy...are you falling for it? 

Mark Reyland knows the math and should stop trying to con inventors into thinking they'll become millionaires if they create the next ASOTV hit. It's not that simple and he knows it.  Just because your invention is a million dollar invention does not mean YOU earn a million dollars.
 2% of the manufacturing (not retail) price is small if it costs $0.25. They like a minimum 300% mark up. The other part he may not tell you is you do not receive any % of the free giveaway . So sell 1 million at $0.25 and nothing of the other million they give away as the free gift.

Let's do the math shall we?

1 million items sold (that really only means 500,000 because the second 500,000 were given away but they are added into the numbers) and you get 2% of the $0.25 it cost to manufacture.
$0.25 X 1million= 250000.00
2% of this is $5,000.00 which still is nothing to sneeze at given they take all the risk but it's not what you're left believing.

THERE is your million dollar invention! Any commission asked for is also taken from that if you agree to pay a rep for showing your invention. Do these inventors really become millionaires? You have a better chance of being struck by lightening.

Of course, this is very different if you hire a company to create your own informercial and sell millions.

We wonder if Bonnie Kaake may be $involved$ with this? We again wonder if she's entering the UIA considering her new found friendship with Reyland or maybe Reyland's good old friend Kenny Durham of Innovators warehouse. We guess time will tell.

The other thought is maybe Reyland is ready for a new business venture after losing old partners, friends he stabbed in the back, and financial investors he lied to. Bonnie as the marketing person seeing as Mark isn't really qualified for that position. Roger Brown as the invention rep for inventors, and Reyland as the promoter/ liar/ scammer.All they would then need is a new sucker to give them money. At one time we were told Mark had plans of using Kenny Durham for this position. This is all just a thought, of course...what do you think?


There are no lineups and these companies will receive your email submissions any day of the week. You do not need the UIA and you do not need invention reps (companies actually prefer the inventor over reps) to speak for you. If the company wants it they want it, they'll be in touch VERY quickly. If they believe you will make them millions, they won't even make you wait for an Inventor day event to convince them.

All Reyland is doing is having you submit your invention ideas to him rather than submitting directly to the company where the staff sort through the submissions, selecting the top 25.

The only difference is we've all seen proof Mark Reyland steals inventors property and we have nothing showing Telebrands does the same. We suggest you submit directly to Telebrands if you feel they may be interested in your invention.  

Source: 3 sucessful ASOTV inventors and articles via the Internet.

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