Thursday, 15 December 2011

Reyland Pulls Wool Over Bonnie Kaake's Eyes

Here's a little comment from Bonnie Kaake on Linkedin. We find it sad when people post out of ignorance but what can you do. Like they always say...there is no degree or schooling you can get when entering the inventing world so anyone and we mean ANYONE can claim to be a pro at this. The following linkedin post really does show just how true it really is.
We guess you could say we're getting a little tired of Bonnie Kaake jumping out from behind Reyland here and there just to publicly bash people, former UIA board members and others just to call names with nothing really intelligent to add anywhere. One really has to wonder what involvement she has going on with Reyland.

As for Simon Brown's bashing of UIA as posted by Derek, I find it appalling that they would continue to use a trademarked logo that belongs to UIA and then slander the organization for one inventor's experience with Mr. Reyland's personal business before being associated with UIA. The particular issue was resolved with the inventor who still holds a grudge. Mark Reyland no longer works in the same way with inventors due to the lesson learned. He is actually doing a wonderful job of educating inventors about the realities of the process through his involvement with UIA. All providers of services to inventors are going to experience a disgruntled customer at some time. Another fault of those providing services to inventors is that they rarely define deliverables in a way that inventors understand. Too many rely on sensationalism, misleading promotion, and hype and are not up-front about "The money trail".

Working with inventors is a mine field for all service providers due to the unrealistic expectations of inventors and the service providers who do not have the time or get paid to educate the naive inventors about business/intellectual property/product commercialization. This is a very complex process and is becoming more complex each year. The more an inventor educates his/herself, the better their decisions tend to be and the more likely they are to be successful and not make costly mistakes in the process.
Posted by Bonnie Kaake

Well Bonnie Kaake,

Here’s a little about the inventor who you claim holds a grudge. How do you know this; have you even spoken to the inventor? We've spoken to her AND Reyland. You just believe what Reyland tells you? Please, Bonnie, act a little intelligent here for a moment and follow along. If you want to make claims such as this we would hope you have intelligent material to back up your words and not be just another manipulative big mouth like Mark Reyland. we have been told you are friends, so we'll just paint you with the same brush, okay?

Mark Reyland’s partners gave the rights to the invention back to the inventor. Mark Reyland still advertises this inventor’s invention on his business site. He can’t stand defeat and he cannot, in particular, stand defeat by a woman it would seem. Check out this one as well. Here’s a picture for you so you can understand a little better. You can also read this blog entry here....
So you all know. Mark Reyland claims he has been friends with the owner of this company since childhood. 
Apart from still posting the inventor’s invention, posting photos of the inventor calling her a stalker, claiming she is involved with organized crime to her husband’s employer, who he initially contacted once stealing Mr. Robisons’s exactly is it that Mark Reyland settled with the inventor?

Like many of the women in Mark Reyland's life, we're sure she'd love to move on and forget she ever met the guy.
Come on Bonnie...let’s educate inventors, like you claim to be all for. You think this was all before his involvement with the UIA? Sorry again. He used his involvement with the UIA to bully this inventor into disappearing and when she wouldn't he stalked her family and hunted down her husband's employer. You can read that one here...
As far as we see it, Bonnie, Mark Reyland’s actions were not before his association with the UIA if it continues today. We'd love for you to respond how Reyland settled with the inventor while still advertising her invention on his business site for sale. Please do tell :-)

You may want to think and educate yourself before jumping into the water next time, but by all means state something intelligent and we'll back you 100%!

Oh that's right, Bonnie Kaake uses sentences which involve the words, "only". "minor" and "deviation" in them. Maybe inventors should be very careful when getting "advice" from Bonnie.

After Gizmo/Troy Robison questioned her integrity and ethics on the Linkedin group the entire thread was mysteriously deleted. Gizmo must have struck a nerve with his statement below.
Everyone needs to do the proper homework/research as stated above. If you run up on something that smells raunchy along the way you need to ask questions. The inventor community has grown over the last few yrs. There’s absolutely nothing you can’t learn or dig up.

Bonnie you made the comment to” Google Company names” and to RUN if need be. I guess I’m confused with your comment. Should inventors run all the time if something smells raunchy or should they research deeper to see if the raunchy smell goes away?

I’m taking an educated guess here, but I’m thinking your answer is to research deeper and asks questions to see if the research finding are true or not. If that’s the case then why would you slam Derek or anyone else that challenges Mark’s inventor/product developer background he says he has?

Bonnie your comments below make me question your INTEGRITY AND ETHICS in the inventor community. Who are you to say Reyland doesn’t need to justify anything to Derek. You just finished saying inventors need to Google and research and run if need be. Are you saying only certain companies or people can be questioned?

“Mark Reyland does not have to justify anything to you, Derek. He has earned his respect in the inventor community” 

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