Monday 19 September 2011

Will the REAL Mark Reyland Please Stand Up?!        or click HERE to jump into the profile     
Mark Reyland

ANTHONY HIGH, I'm the CEO and President of Special Ops Security Services. I'm a retired New Jersey State Corrections Officer who spent nearly 20 years in the business and has received several medals for my heroic participation as a corrections officer. My commendations and certifications include: Explosives Recognition & Response, Hand to Hand Combat, Crisis Negotiations, Juvenile Justice, Gang Awareness, Dusting & Lifting, Response to Youth with Behavioral or Mental Health Issues, Oleoresin Capsicam Aerosol Instructor Training, High Risk Transportation, Int'l Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association member and ASP and PR24 certified....
Special Ops Corporate officers:


Anthony is a retired New Jersey State Corrections Officer who spent nearly 20 years in the business and has received several medals for his heroic participation as a corrections officer. His commendations and certifications include: Explosives Recognition & Response, Hand to Hand Combat, Crisis Negotiations, Juvenile Justice, Gang Awareness, Dusting & Lifting, Response to Youth with Behavioral or Mental Health Issues, Oleoresin Capsicam Aerosol Instructor Training, High Risk Transportation, Int'l Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association member and ASP and PR24 certified.


Here’s a photo of the screen in case Reyland wants to go in and change things

 there was this.......

Mark Reyland

Founder, Creative 3D - A Commercial Arts company


Cincinnati Area


Marketing and Advertising

Mark Reyland's Overview


· Owner at Creative 3D


· University of Cincinnati College of Business

Mark Reyland's Summary

I’m and Entrepreneur, I have been since I was a little boy - That’s who I am.

I march in the parade of life hoping to entertain and add value to the lives of those who came to the curb to watch me.

What do I do? ….I work. From my first little effort painting houses as a kid, to building several companies, and developing retail products – it’s all just an exercise in painting my little corner of the big picture.

Mark Reyland's Experience

I build things....and where I can, I help people.


Creative 3D

Marketing and Advertising industry

Currently holds this position

Mark Reyland's Education

University of Cincinnati College of Business

AS, BS, Marketing & Advertising

Degree in Intelligence Collection – National Security Agency Cryptology University

BS Marketing & Advertising – University Of Cincinnati

THIS 3rd and recent one.....


Executive Director at United Inventors Association of America

Demographic info

Cincinnati Area | Consumer Goods


Executive Director at United Inventors Association of America


University of Cincinnati


Since childhood – Mr. Reyland has successfully traversed the waters of Entrepreneurship, Inventing, and Product Development many times.
Having served many years with the National Security Agency- as both an intelligence agent and executive in charge of new program development, Mr. Reyland applied this unique skill-set over the years to his work as a successful inventor.

Mr. Reyland’s long list of accomplishments include Director of Classified Technology Development for a fortune 500 company, Technology and Product Inventor with 5 patents under application, and currently Founder and CEO of the following companies: Innovative Brand Technologies Inc., Obvious Ideas LLC, and The Tank LLC. Although Mr. Reyland does do some fee based consulting, most evenings you’ll find him on the phone mentoring young inventors through the process of developing their dream.

An avid student of the process - Mr. Reyland, is notably one of few professionals in the inventing industry who routinely takes responsibility for the form, function, and market viability of an idea. Using a hands-on approach to the entire development and distribution process, and ultimately making certain every consumer who purchases his product is getting exactly what they hope for and more!

Mr. Reyland’s inventions and products have been widely published in magazines and trade journals around the world. You can often hear him as a guest lecturer at universities, corporations, and inventor forums, or read his daily Inventor blog,, where he posts valuable, educational information for new inventors.

Looking high and low we STILL can’t find any inventions anywhere he claims to have and his past doesn’t make sense. The security guard profile, being in the military and saving all from talk breakdowns while working as theNational Security Agency liaison to the Korean government” and collecting top secret data with his top secret data collecting degree in hand ( from the University in Washington?). Then he was a CEO of an anonymous fortune 500 company, CEO of his many companies, speaking all over the country, the trade journals, the forums, all of the inventions on retail shelves that nobody can find, the free help to inventors nightly for hours, building companies and let’s not forget all those years in university obtaining multiple degrees and special secret stuff nobody can get information on (guess it’s a secret) and now he works for a non profit group out of his basement telling inventors if they have a good product because of his opinion when it looks like he can’t even invent (no proof he’s an inventor)a product of his own that people want?

We think maybe Marks been watching too many Matt Damon (Bourne) or Leonardo Dicaprio (catch me if you can) movies

or is he possibly showing signs of dementia and all of this may just be a deluded fantasy of who he wishes he was or believes he is?

Have you seen where he wrote that his game paw is the number 1 selling sports item on the market? Really? - Obvious Ideas

You +1'd this publicly. Undo
6 Jun 2011 – The Game Paw is the #1 Sports product on the market. ... Mark Reyland (CTLGDN-485970) 8046 Putting Green Lane West Chester, OH 45069 ...

In communications with the University of Cincinnati we’re informed there’s no degree in Marketing and Advertising even though Mark claims to hold one. There are a couple of marketing degree types offered by the business college there but we question if he even has any degree in Marketing considering he doesn’t know the title of his own degree. I know the title of mine.

Hey Warren Tuttle & the UIA Board Members,    Wake up! Inventors want to know why con-man Mark Reyland still sits with the UIA!  Don’t you think it’s time to shut this con-man down and protect inventors.

When we first started looking at this bio (below), we found a high school in Texas and knowing Mark spent time there in his teen years we thought maybe it was his high school. Did he copy this man’s bio word for word and not realize he forgot to remove his name?

Special Ops Corporate officers:


Anthony is a retired New Jersey State Corrections Officer who spent nearly 20 years in the business and has received several medals for his heroic participation as a corrections officer. His commendations and certifications include: Explosives Recognition & Response, Hand to Hand Combat, Crisis Negotiations, Juvenile Justice, Gang Awareness, Dusting & Lifting, Response to Youth with Behavioral or Mental Health Issues, Oleoresin Capsicam Aerosol Instructor Training, High Risk Transportation, Int'l Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association member and ASP and PR24 certified.

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