Sunday, 13 November 2011

And the Final Word on this discussion? Guilty!

 Gizmo's answer to Inventor Roger Brown.

 By Troy Robison on LinkedIn
 Ok Roger you’re getting my response to your answers so you can stop whining like a little Kid…. By the way Roger you have shown your TRUE colors. It’s pretty obvious from your actions. You make up learning lesson on all the forums for inventors/ idea people to learn from. I think there great and a way to help people walk down the correct path not making the mistakes most of us have made in the past.

See some of your Lessons below, Pay close attention to # 7 to 10

1, Lesson # 31 Does having a Patent Guarantee You Will Make Your Money Back?
2, Lesson # 36 Sell Sheet Challenge # 2
3. Lesson # 32 You Need To Have Realistic Expectations
4. Lesson # 27 Quit Posting Your Invention on Youtube and Facebook
5. Lesson # 17 How Much Are You Willing To Spend On Your Idea Before Asking For Help?
6. Lesson # 34 This There Anything Wrong With This NDA?
7. Lesson # 32 You Are Not Doing Thorough Research On Your Idea
8. Invention Submisson Company Horror Stories
9. Why Invention Submission Companies are so Confusing.
10. Do You ask Invention Submission Companies Questions?

Roger your lessons above are all informative and people should learn from them all. People/Inventors should pay close attention to number 7 in the list because it is the most important and should be put at the top of the list because “RESEARCH” is the name of the inventor game. Proper research can reveal all the info in numbers 8 to 9 above if the inventor puts in enough time digging and asking question from some of the so called experts/veterans in the industry.

Roger you pound the word Research into the inventors heads all the time because it is important. I guess I don’t understand if I did all the proper research on Reyland with a list of the PROOF that he isn’t a successful product developer. He doesn’t have any products in retail with multiple Patents along with multi-million dollar License deals and he isn’t a Black Afro American man (Anthony High) that knows Hand to hand combat and the rest of the long list of Lies he has told. Roger why haven’t you dug deep into my accusations/claims to prove me wrong. Instead you are all worried about a lie you think I told about you getting a seat on the UIA. That’s the reason people look at it like you’re not really for protecting inventors.

Roger you have pounded inventors submission companies like Davison,AbsolutleyNew,Invent Help, Invention Home etc and posted the American Inventors Act hundreds of times on a few different inventor forums. I guess we all would like to know why you thought it was so important to post about ,especially if some of the claims against the submission companies was just hear say.
Continued below....

Roger, you say you’re out for helping/protecting inventors. If that’s the case then why don’t you give us your opinion on the actual facts we accuse Reyland of Lying about. The research has been done and it’s easy to follow. That’s the reason Reyland keeps avoiding the questions I ask.

When Reyland told me about the UIA Executive Director position he was being interviewed for it was a shock to me because he kept it quiet until the last few weeks before a decision was going to be made. I asked him how did that all come about, did you apply for the position. He said no they approached him for the position. I just didn’t believe that BS because if the UIA did the PROPER research on Reyland they would of found out what an abusive controlling person with mulit-personalities he has on a few of the inventor forums . I understand know why he didn’t tell anyone about him interviewing for the Directors position. He was afraid the un-ethical crap he pulled off on Tania would be exposed publically putting a stop to him getting the position. It was weeks later after he was awarded the Directors position things blew up and the Tania scandal was exposed to the public. That’s when he denied all the claims and said were all full of crap and nuts.

Roger, Reyland told me after he gets in the UIA he is going to sit down with Warren Tuttle the UIA acting President and get him to have Louis Foreman to tell everyone how he gets Edison Nation past looking like an inventor submission company. He wanted Louis and others off the UIA Board and wanted to bring his own team in “NEW BLOOD”. The email below should be enough evidence to prove Reyland WANTED Louis Forman out and re-organize the UIA.

Continued below,,,,,

Troy  Robison
 • Roger you were mentioned in that conversation and so was Kenny Durham and one other person. I don’t remember the other person’s full name only because I never heard of him before, I think his first name was Jeff or something like that. I really didn’t know too much about Kenny either just that he owned Innovators Warehouse.

Roger you can say if you want to that the info was here say because it was a verbal conversation with me and Reyland. But remember I could say your info about inventor Submission Companies treating inventor wrong is here say also.

John & Group Members I have NO reason to apologize to Roger Brown. The conversation between Reyland and me did for a fact take place. If you look at all the info that has been posted with proof it would be easy to think Roger Brown was in fact looking to get a seat on the UIA Board or take over Warren Tuttle’s President Position. I guess the question remains is if I wouldn’t have brought up the accusations about
Roger and the UIA would he have taken a position if offered it ? My guess is yes but that’s my opinion because Roger has protected Reyland from the get go and never really said Reyland looks guilty.

The info below was published today, it’s sad people didn’t look at the big picture when it was exposed from day one. It all could have been stopped in its tracks early on but it wasn’t. Very sad if you ask me.

Reyland keeps saying both him and his family are being stalked. The copy of his email below proves him wrong. Look at the date of the email, it was sent shortly after I exposed him one yr ago.

continued below

From: Mark Reyland Mark@Creative3D.local
Subject: EN
To: "Margaret" < >, "Sally" < >, "Troy" <gizmo >, tania@, "Ron" <rjlinnov@ >
Date: Tuesday, September 7, 2010, 7:20 AM

I wanted you all to know that I have left EN but not because of you. I’m leaving EN because of my family. I was struck pretty hard when my daughter called me crying and asked if I was okay. One of her friends had come across EN and sent her a link to these postings, she read much of what you all wrote, and it hurt her deeply - as it did my wife.

I have worked hard to help inventors, and in fact I have helped most of you. Taking my time and in many cases spending my own money to help people find a little success.

Obviously you all feel I have wronged you in some way, and that’s ok. What I would ask you to do is take a moment and remember the ways I have helped you.
Please understand in the future when you wage war against someone publicly you hurt not only them, but the people who care about them.

Good luck to you all, and I wish you much success with your inventing.

Just as Reyland ended this email with well wishes, he was still busy on the forums publicly bashing the inventors and stalking Tania daily.

So there you go Roger, I fulfilled your request. You need to look in the MIRROR and really make a decision if your 100% dedicated to the inventor community and want to help or Talk out of Both Side Of Your MOUTH .

John and other group members I apologize to you all for my long post. It needed to be done this way.

My Vote is Obvious Reyland is GUILTY .

We have been sent an email from someone who has reason to believe Mark Reyland has hired a reputaion defender to help bury all the bad about him. It won't work Reyland but it may just burn a hole in your wallet! We known you don't have any money from your made up product development company. Maybe you can dig into the UIA money bucket to pay the companies fee's.

Have you seen the pictures in Images of Reyland? Can you guess which one he used for his profile picture in the ladies forums? We'll give you a's the one which looks like it was taken when he was in his 30's. WOW, he must REALLY believe he's charming because he's almost 50! The picture of him below isnt his hair, It's been PhotoShopped BigTime

So far the only NOT GUILTY vote is by Mark Reyland himself .

Mark T.  Reyland

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