Thursday, 3 November 2011

UIA Accused of Ethical Breaches

From Inventor's Digest

"AbsolutelyNew severed ties with the United Inventors Association amid bitter accusations and counter accusations of ethical breaches and dereliction of duty. AbsolutelyNew no longer is UIA “certified” and AbNew Vice President of Marketing, Bill Freund, resigned as a UIA board member" Absolutely New, to good to be true?

by Mark Reyland » Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:15 pm

Green Belt

Posts: 150

Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:31 am

From the UIA standpoint I can tell you that Absolutely New, Lambert & Lambert, Invention Home, and Lenfest have all passed the UIA background checks and certification program (including the USPTO review). They have all signed agreements with the UIA to treat inventors with honesty and respect, and to settle any issues in a fair and timely fashion.

Not all companies who apply for the UIA Certification program make it through – in fact, several other service providers have not made it through, and are in the process of cleaning up their act to try again.

I know it doesn’t sound like much, but it’s a step in the right direction to reducing your risk when working with these companies.



You can read here about the trouble going on…
Nice how they all stand behind one another until something bad comes out. Then they all bail ship and publicly slaughter each other.

Bonnie Kaake was shown the proof against Mark Reyland hurting inventors. She called it
"a slight deviation of the contract". So what’s wrong with the conflict of interest, Bonnie? Wouldn’t this be considered only a slight deviation as well? Do your ethics change depending on who you're talking about or how it could affect you?

Here's a little free inventor education for you Bonnie. Stealing from inventors is wrong. There is no such thing as being slightly devious. You either are or you are not. Devious people posing as free helpers to inventors should be exposed and stopped. Period. It was nice that you used the word, deviation, because we do feel it fits and only a devious person would perform a devious act. Mark Reyland truly is devious. 

Also curious. Since Reyland is reported to refer inventors to Innovator's Warehouse, who claims to be a good friend of Mark's, is this also a conflict of interest, or slightly devious? Someone wrote Mark recieves $finders fee$ for referrals.
BLOG | Innovators Warehouse - Part 2

Quote from Reyland
“AbsolutelyNew is no longer with the UIA and as is customary with the UIA, we don’t comment on non-UIA members,” Reyland says.

Except for every company listed below who were not UIA members. Reyland has slaughtered these companies in public places while backing himself with the UIA insigne...

The Product Network
Question Moms
Genius Crowds and more

Could it be that we've found a company (Absolutely New) which Mark is afraid of going after publicly and ripping apart? This raises a huge question- WHY?

  1. - Similar
    10 Feb 2011 – I was first referred to Kenny Durham of Innovators Warehouse by Mark Reyland of United Inventors Association USA (

Just a quick note: Patrick Raymond was the executive director at the time and was directly responsible for the certification of AbNew. Many board members were against it, including me. Raymond can be overpowering and manipulative of less confident people. Later, it was discovered that he was getting paid by AbNew, a clear conflict of interest.

Mark Reyland is doing a wonderful job of taking UIA to the next level as an educational national organization for inventors. He is doing the job Raymond was supposed to be doing for inventors. Raymond was looking out for himself.

Another correction: UIA’s Certification program was in place prior to Patrick Raymond’s involvement with UIA.

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