Monday, 31 October 2011

Reyland Doesn't Want It to End

Seeing as Mark Reyland is STILL being unfair to inventors, he obviously does not want any of this to end. Does he love drama to keep him entertained; or does he simply enjoy breaking laws and daring people to a challenge. Whatever the reason, it doesn`t matter. The trail is endless and we`ll keep walking down it until he stops denying what he did, comes clean about his biography and faces what he needs to face. By the way, we know who created his bio for him and they did so before knowing he was a conman.

Following the link, you can see where the inventor managed to get her rights back on her product. Mark then appeared to make his company website, require a password to enter. There are always ways around everything. Going through the fulfillment place he uses, Karen Carson Creations, we easily saw his company website where he still shows Ba'noodle. It was months ago when mark Reyland's company offered the letter to the inventor and stated they would remove it ASAP. They STILL cannot make Mark remove the product.

Do you think this kind of person should be part of any organization which claims to help inventors? Maybe he only helps inventors when Reyland has no interest in their invention. If he thinks your invention will make money he will try to get involved, somehow.

 By the looks of things, Reyland ONLY has his TwistCaps and Nova Grips left.

 Pretty pathetic when you think about it.

HEY REYLAND! Why don`t you stop stalking, searching for and harrassing this inventor, just like you did Patrice and do what`s required of you. REMOVE her product from your company website!

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