Thursday, 27 October 2011

Damage Control or Sinking Ship!

Looks like Troy Robison has been digging again and come up with new information on Mark Reyland. How long has Reyland been posting in forums and why did the UIA board not find any of this stuff?

One thing's for sure, Mark Reyland, executive director of the United Inventor's Association (UIA USA) appears to be completely losing it in this public forum! A sinking captain ready to drag the entire UIA ship down with him? We wouldn't exactly call it damage control and no kidding why the UIA UK would cut all ties with the UIA USA and even change their name so there's no mistake with affliliation! What real business CEO would even want to be attached to this guy?

Looks like the UIA board members may not be able to contain their liability, Mark Reyland. Don't be surprised when you don't see UIA memberships renewed and board members leave. WOW!

As long as Reyland is in a non- profit organization, position of public trust and continues to con people by stating all things said about him, which includes documentations of proof, is a lie; anyone is well within their legal right to expose or publicly question such a conman. Mark Reyland needs to admit the truth, face the consequenses and then let the UIA and inventors decide if they trust him. Reyland has no stalking case and he knows it.

If you have something a conman feels is worth getting, you are at risk!

Those who know Reyland report this personality to every sentance in this article...
 The perverse twist to this theme is that the psychopathic personality may take pleasure in “psychoanalysing” his victims, and casting them as crazy, obsessive and even delusional (and reinforcing his own power as the dominant “rational” figure in the relationship).

The article is a good read and will help protect you from personalities like Reyland's.

Although Reyland claims to have not "taken" a penny from inventors, he apparently has no problem manipulating inventors to spend their money in a way which will line his pockets in the end. The following link shows he has no problem taking from others, although we're sure he claims the courts are lying. We also see his apparent disregard for the law here by ignoring legal calls to appear. 

No wonder he has no problems stalking and terrorizing people; being in trouble with the law is a familiar face to Reyland. We know now why his previous business went belly up. Strange how it wasn't an inventing business yet he's been in this industry for how many "claimed" years?

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