Saturday, 5 November 2011

Reyland's Premature Ejection

As usual, Mark and his sidekick, inventor Roger Brown started calling inventors stalkers and whiners while trying to convince others that their own lies was actually the truth. It looks like it backfired. This is what appears to have happened.
Mark and Roger start their usual name calling stuff and drive the thread the way they want it to go. As soon as Mark thinks he's on the brink of being exposed as a liar, again, he deletes the thread and sends his buddy Roger in to ask stupid questions he already knows the answers to. Don't you hate that Mark makes you look so stupid Roger? Reyland and Roger then email out announcements of victory. Of course, they copy the thread before Mark deletes it and adds the incomplete discussion thread to their John Doe blog, also as a victory of exposing the truth tellers as liars. It didn't work. A little premature, don't you think Mark? We're sure you're no stranger to those words.
He didn't want to wait for the true outcome of the thread. Now the thread has been re-started so it can finish the way it was intended to finish, with the truth exposed by a party who only wanted to sort out the truth. Looks like this may just be the beginning.

People don't generally like it when you attempt to treat them like idiots. Reyland and Roger need to stop using inventors as their play toys. Looks like Reyland may be stalking another inventor's family now. Too bad Warren Tuttle appears not to give two craps about inventors and continues to hide his head and ride out his time as President of the United Inventors Association. Shame on you Warren Tuttle!
How are the UIA nominations coming along, Roger?
From Linkedin (we'll update this post as it happens)

john  Young


Now I get Rogers email, its still the same stuff. So I email back asking do you have the email in which Derek agrees to post about mark for free patent searches. He replies back , no I never said I had them it must have been miscommunication. Miscommunication my ass , I clearly asked to see the emails where Derek agrees to post against Mark in exchange for free patent searches. How can you miscommunicate that ! He must have been hoping that all the stuff that he sent would influence my decision. Now I'm really urinated because I apologized to Mark and said I believed him based on anticipating seeing the email that I hadn't seen after all.

So the next day I get an email from Roger asking if I deleted Marks discussion, its not there. Roger knows that the only ones that can delete a discussion are the one who posted it , the group owner and linked in. But I think this was his attempt to look confused as to how it got deleted.

We all know how it got deleted either by the group owner which could have happened or by Mark that more likely happened. Just as with Fayad, when I exposed him he deleted his discussion. I think that Mark did too because I told him I was going to rip the guilty party apart, and it didn't look good for him.

As I promised it will be quite entertaining for all to see when the time comes. Also I have invented a very specail parting gift for the looser, that I'm sure will get repetitive use.


john  Young
johnUnfollow Follow john
john YoungHello Troy,

I just ask that anything you post make sure you can prove it to everyone. Its not a Mark mob where everyone can sling dirt. I'm not saying that that's what you're doing, I just want to make sure that prove your claims. As far as proof on Mark about contacting Tania husbands work, I now have proof he did it even when he told me he didn't. This contact was clearly to disrupt her husbands employment. And he did so from a UIA computer when hes on the job. Also there is proof that he knowingly had his name put on the PPA that Tania invented. I know you know way more than me about him and you have seen this proof I speak of. I'm just posting it so everyone knows I have seen proof before I accuse him. john
26 minutes ago

john  Young

THE MARK REYLAND BBQ AT INVENTIONLAND Mark Reyland is the director of the UIA. Again once a scam is exposed, they delete the discussion, so I have to start it up all over !!

As many of you may know Ive been on another group the past few days trying to get to the bottom of the accusations against Mark Reyland.

The reason I call it THE MARK REYLAND BBQ AT INVENTIONLAND is because because I posted a comment saying I was on a fence, one side Mark Reyland and Roger Brown BBQing hamburgers and hot dogs in BBQ sauce stained t-shirts and on the other side is Derek Pater and Tania { the alleged victim } with music, steak and shrimp. And Invention land is where this accusation of a scam has taken place.

Mark posted something about an event that was coming up. This when Derek started commenting about Marks wrong doings and as director of the UIA that this was unacceptable behavior for someone that represents inventors and their interests. Derek showed all kinds of information about this. So I wanted to find out the truth, I asked Mark about these accusations on a comment, but instead of Mark responding, Roger Brown stepped up to bat for him. I questioned Roger about the emails that were submitted as proof of Marks wrong doings. Roger said neither one of us were there so we don't know what happened. Fair enough, but the emails said it all, I questioned him further asking , Based on the emails alone would you say that Mark had his name put on Tania's PPA without her knowledge, YES or NO. Again he dodged the question.

After some prodding by me for Mark to answer his own questions, he finally commented. Saying he would not discuss it on the Internet for all to see and to call him and he would answer any questions I had. I commented back OK but just so you know before hand its not going to remain private.

So I called him and left my # and the next day he called. We spoke for a wile, Mark explained everything in a very lengthy manner and I was believing him. But towards the end of the conversation he couldn't answer why his attorney put his name on another inventors PPA. In the emails from his attorney say that Mark told him to put his name on it. So I thought it could some how be miscommunication and let it ride. Then Mark told me that Derek's motive in this was to get free patent searches from one of Marks accusers in exchange for Derek posting about Mark. He said that Roger Brown had the emails to prove it. At this point I was very highly urinated at Derek and the others and was sure that I would soon see the email that proves it. So at the end of our conversation I apologise for my provoking comments and Mark then told me that Roger may not respond rite away because he had jury duty that day. So after the conversation I thought how would Mark know about Rogers jury duty unless they have been talking through all this.

After I emailed Roger and asked to see the emails between Derek and the other person agreeing to post for patent searches. Roger sent me a long list of emails between himself and Derek along with blogs about the accusations. I went through all of it and still couldn't find it. So I sent another email to Roger saying To send only the email pertaining to Derek and the other person . Wile I was waiting thinking that I'm going to see it I sent Mark a message saying that if this is true that I'm going to make Derek pay and might follow them around posting the email for all to see their true motive, for what they did to Mark and told him I believed him, thinking I'm soon to see this email Ive been waiting for.

During this time I get an email from Tania showing that Mark emailed her husbands work saying that she was being investigated by the FBI and RMCP for organized crime. I asked Mark about this in our conversation,asking did you call Tania's husbands work saying that she was being investigated. He said absolutely not, I guess I should have rephrased the question to did you call or email. Now this is proof that he is lying and has lied directly to me, now I'm leaning on Derek's side of the fence again.

See Mark BBQ Part 2

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