Sunday, 15 January 2012

Reyland/ UIA Threatens Again

For those of you who have not seen the UIA  / Mark Reyland in bully, stalker, threaten action yet, even with quite a few examples of Mark Reyland doing so, here's one for you. Now he's claiming to take away inventor's speaking abilities at trade shows? Even though we have more than proven he is a stalker now he has contacted people or plans to contact people to ruin Nancy business-wise? Interesting. What next? Maybe the board members are afraid of being on the wrong side of Reyland?  Mark promises inventors speaking engagments when he likes them and adds them to the stalker list once they question him.Having a review by Reyland is now being seen as more hurtful than helpful in most inventor's eyes.

What the heck is he running, the inventor mafia? Warren Tuttle appears to close his eyes, stick his fingers in his ears and zips his lips. It's bringing more curiosity out in inventors. What's up with the UIA? Why do they want us to call their answering service in Washington (their office) to ask questions? Why does Warren Tuttle not answer questions sent in emails- ever? What is the point if his poosition and why does he work with Patrick Raymond on one hand and then support the very man who slanders Patrick Raymond. Can YOU make sense of this?

Nancy T.

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