Sunday, 15 January 2012

Would YOU Do Business With An Out Of Control Banana?

In the first paragraph (quote) we're not sure why Reyland writes of himself in third party; it's not his style and can only think he got mixed up and forgot he was writing as Mark R and not as another one of his johnny Gee type profiles?

"For the record – Nancy was kicked off the UIA forum because of her rants- she’s just Troy’s latest stooge. Many of you will start to receive emails from Troy, “Carzy” John, and Pater as they see you post. The game is they will feed you full of lies, wind you up like a top and send you back out on these groups to start ranting about how bad the UIA and Mark Reyland are –It’s lies, and they have been doing this for well over a year now. They are stalkers, criminals, and if you let them they will drag you into that world too.

The UIA is the largest inventor organization in the world, do you really think we would have become that if we were hurting inventors? I run that organization – do you really think I could do that if I didn’t have the qualifications or if I made it my life to hurt inventors? When you get past the hate these people spew what they are saying (and so much of it is just made up) Just doesn’t make any sense."

"Mark T. R.For the record the UIA is not under investigation and we, as a matter of policy normally don’t respond to these kinds of crazy rants. We have offered to answer any questions people have simply by calling our office. But no one calls…so you have to ask why they spend so much time ranting and “investigating” but never take the time to ask the right questions of the right people."

Mark T. R.
Mark T.

"Mark T. R.The United Inventors Association of America
1025 Connecticut Ave Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20036

Just ask for me...."    Reyland does not live in Washington. All listings he has posted on the Internet say Fairfield Ohio. Exactly where his stalking was tracked to.

He claims WE when writing about the UIA and HE runs the organization. He states the UIA will never respond to inventor's emails, calling them rants. Inventors like to think it was Reyland alone, but do we need to all re-think this? If the board members back Reyland and do not respond to emails, rather make things worse by forwarding emails to Reyland, Maybe inventors should be leary of all the board members who are appearing to back everything he says and does while representing the entire UIA which he claims to run?
Is the United Inventor's Association/ UIA along with all of the listed members behind the UIA blog where Mark Reyland posts photos and writes about companies who ever question him or do not want to join his organization?

We're not claiming not to do business with these board members, Even though Mark Reyland think it's okay to post this about others as WE the UIA. Inventors are beginning to see their silence as support. Look what happened to this inventor when she asked for help from Warren Tuttle with Reyland's stalking...

Mart T Reyland writes..."For the record the UIA is not under investigation and we, as a matter of policy normally don’t respond to these kinds of crazy rants."

They wrote a policy for that? Wow- Now we see where those hard earned non profit dollars go. Good job! The ones paying for sponsorships must be so relieved. Is the badge you give them for their website a clown? We all know how you love the circus and your use of circus words both as Mark and other identities.

Legal disclaimer: We do not believe Mark Reyland is an actual banana.

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