Friday, 23 December 2011

Board Members or House of Chickens

When Derek Pater approached Gene Quinn on Facebook with this post:

o    Hi Gene,
are you in the UIA USA Board?

because I have some big concerns regarding Mark Reyland,

From: Simon Brown
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 12:31 AM
Subject: UIAUK

Dear Mr Pater,

In respect of your recent comments regarding the United Innovation Association UK’s (UIAUK) alleged links to the United Inventors Association USA (UIAUSA) I wish to offer the following statement;

The UIAUK was formed in March 2011, and as we intended to use similar branding to the UIAUSA, a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the UIAUSA which allowed us to use such branding without any breach of Intellectual Property rights, was required.

The UIAUK and the UIAUSA do not have any formal or legal ties to each other, except for the above mentioned and are in no way related in any company formation, therefore your recent accusations regarding our being complicit with the UIAUSA or its Chief Executive, Mark Reyland, are unfounded and untrue.

However, in light of matters arising recently and new information received by the UIAUK we feel that we are no longer able to continue

                       to bear any resemblance to the UIAUSA in name, branding or image and would like to
                       make it clear that any association with the UIAUSA or Mark Reyland has ceased with
                       immediate effect.

                      The UIAUK is, and always will be, a credible, honest and hardworking association supporting
                      inventions and innovation, new ideas and design and will not participate in any activities which
                      might show us as being anything less than this.

                     Yours Sincerely

                     Simon Brown

                     Founder & CEO


This is what he received as an answer from Gene:

o    Derek, I'm not longer on the UIA board. I stepped down at the end of 2009. I had concerns about the direction of the organization then. I understand they are doing better, but I have no first hand knowledge. Warren Tuttle is the current President of the UIA.

It appears Gene, a very well respected man in the inventing community, wanted nothing to do with it back then and many want nothing to do with it now. Sorry to let Gene know that as much as the UIA may be doing better in respects to becoming more active in seeking inventors and arranging to see their inventions, the person behind this, Mark Reyland is possibly one of the biggest cons in the inventing community.

We would love to hear Gene’s take on Mark Reyland putting his name on inventors’ IP.

So Warren Tuttle is still the president. We suppose nobody wanted his position? Now we wonder why Mr. Tuttle has done nothing but aid Reyland by passing along confidential emails concerning Reyland. We wrote about this earlier but thought since Tuttle was leaving, he may not have wanted to bother with being involved.

The message this sends to all inventors: Do not bother contacting Warren Tuttle with concerns about any of it's members attempting to damage you because your complaints will be passed along to the person you report.
Will any board members stand up to Reyland? Probably not. They're most likely too afraid of becoming one of his victims but appear perfectly happy allowing him to stalk women and their families over the Internet. 

Taking advantage of the usual Christmas spirit, we wonder if Reyland would like to apologize to the inventor's he has hurt, the inventors he has stalked/ continues to stalk (with Roger Brown's help) and the inventors he currently bashes online whenever he can and make a pledge not to hurt anymore in the future. We HIGHLY doubt Reyland is one to own what he does or apologize for his actions and is more of the guy who takes his guilt to the grave. That's ok Reyland. The big guy in the sky has you on radar ;-) and we don't mean Santa!

Monday, 19 December 2011

Quick Quick..NOW NOW

Monday, December 19

ASOTV in Miami Florida!

For the last 25 years the United Inventors Association of America has been about developing and presenting educational programs for inventors. But that’s not all we do… a large part of our mission is to create opportunities for inventors to meet the people who can help them with the commercialization process.
This fall we conducted a search program for members of our UIA Inventor Clubs Across America program.Local clubs sent in hundreds of submissions for their ASOTV product ideas and the nice people at TeleBrands combed through them selecting the top 23 ideas to be pitched live.
This event was such a great success we’re doing it again – this time in sunny Miami Florida. The UIA, TeleBrands, United Patent Research, and The Inventors Society of South Florida have come together to create the southeastern ASOTV Inventors club product search.
If you are a member of one of the following clubs, or you live in the area of a club and would like to join – You can participate in this chance to skip the line and go straight to the top of the largest ASOTV product company in the world.
But don’t wait too long – download the forms, fill them out, and send them to your local club. Who knows, you could end up with the next million dollar ASOTV product!
Mark Reyland,
What products were chosen for testing in the ASOTV category Telebrands chose to test and were successful due to your involvment? Oh let us guess, this is a secret but the UIA and in particular, Mark reyland, wants to see MORE ideas and inventions based on a simple statement you chose to publish. Given a great % of the posts you publish are out right lies, we have to question this one as well.
You are a big fake and not an expert in the ASOTV division. This has been proven to us time and time again.
Reyland appears to be moving fast and frantic now...the successful and true professional inventors are banding together globally and growing against him. It must be terrifying seeing he has NOTHING successful and nothing to offer inventors other than his empty words and lies. Did we mention his position is coming up for renewal soon? He's panicking because he has not yet been offered a job from a big company in product development which he was so desperately seeking and hoping for when he conned the UIA into allowing him the position he now has! It must be nice to be paid by the UIA funds to travel around job seeking.
Anyone who tries to hurry you into a commitment is nothing more than a hard salesman trying to prevent you from reading the small print...even if it isn't there to read! It's marketed as a "call to action" and developed for getting people to buy...are you falling for it? 

Mark Reyland knows the math and should stop trying to con inventors into thinking they'll become millionaires if they create the next ASOTV hit. It's not that simple and he knows it.  Just because your invention is a million dollar invention does not mean YOU earn a million dollars.
 2% of the manufacturing (not retail) price is small if it costs $0.25. They like a minimum 300% mark up. The other part he may not tell you is you do not receive any % of the free giveaway . So sell 1 million at $0.25 and nothing of the other million they give away as the free gift.

Let's do the math shall we?

1 million items sold (that really only means 500,000 because the second 500,000 were given away but they are added into the numbers) and you get 2% of the $0.25 it cost to manufacture.
$0.25 X 1million= 250000.00
2% of this is $5,000.00 which still is nothing to sneeze at given they take all the risk but it's not what you're left believing.

THERE is your million dollar invention! Any commission asked for is also taken from that if you agree to pay a rep for showing your invention. Do these inventors really become millionaires? You have a better chance of being struck by lightening.

Of course, this is very different if you hire a company to create your own informercial and sell millions.

We wonder if Bonnie Kaake may be $involved$ with this? We again wonder if she's entering the UIA considering her new found friendship with Reyland or maybe Reyland's good old friend Kenny Durham of Innovators warehouse. We guess time will tell.

The other thought is maybe Reyland is ready for a new business venture after losing old partners, friends he stabbed in the back, and financial investors he lied to. Bonnie as the marketing person seeing as Mark isn't really qualified for that position. Roger Brown as the invention rep for inventors, and Reyland as the promoter/ liar/ scammer.All they would then need is a new sucker to give them money. At one time we were told Mark had plans of using Kenny Durham for this position. This is all just a thought, of course...what do you think?


There are no lineups and these companies will receive your email submissions any day of the week. You do not need the UIA and you do not need invention reps (companies actually prefer the inventor over reps) to speak for you. If the company wants it they want it, they'll be in touch VERY quickly. If they believe you will make them millions, they won't even make you wait for an Inventor day event to convince them.

All Reyland is doing is having you submit your invention ideas to him rather than submitting directly to the company where the staff sort through the submissions, selecting the top 25.

The only difference is we've all seen proof Mark Reyland steals inventors property and we have nothing showing Telebrands does the same. We suggest you submit directly to Telebrands if you feel they may be interested in your invention.  

Source: 3 sucessful ASOTV inventors and articles via the Internet.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Reyland Pulls Wool Over Bonnie Kaake's Eyes

Here's a little comment from Bonnie Kaake on Linkedin. We find it sad when people post out of ignorance but what can you do. Like they always say...there is no degree or schooling you can get when entering the inventing world so anyone and we mean ANYONE can claim to be a pro at this. The following linkedin post really does show just how true it really is.
We guess you could say we're getting a little tired of Bonnie Kaake jumping out from behind Reyland here and there just to publicly bash people, former UIA board members and others just to call names with nothing really intelligent to add anywhere. One really has to wonder what involvement she has going on with Reyland.

As for Simon Brown's bashing of UIA as posted by Derek, I find it appalling that they would continue to use a trademarked logo that belongs to UIA and then slander the organization for one inventor's experience with Mr. Reyland's personal business before being associated with UIA. The particular issue was resolved with the inventor who still holds a grudge. Mark Reyland no longer works in the same way with inventors due to the lesson learned. He is actually doing a wonderful job of educating inventors about the realities of the process through his involvement with UIA. All providers of services to inventors are going to experience a disgruntled customer at some time. Another fault of those providing services to inventors is that they rarely define deliverables in a way that inventors understand. Too many rely on sensationalism, misleading promotion, and hype and are not up-front about "The money trail".

Working with inventors is a mine field for all service providers due to the unrealistic expectations of inventors and the service providers who do not have the time or get paid to educate the naive inventors about business/intellectual property/product commercialization. This is a very complex process and is becoming more complex each year. The more an inventor educates his/herself, the better their decisions tend to be and the more likely they are to be successful and not make costly mistakes in the process.
Posted by Bonnie Kaake

Well Bonnie Kaake,

Here’s a little about the inventor who you claim holds a grudge. How do you know this; have you even spoken to the inventor? We've spoken to her AND Reyland. You just believe what Reyland tells you? Please, Bonnie, act a little intelligent here for a moment and follow along. If you want to make claims such as this we would hope you have intelligent material to back up your words and not be just another manipulative big mouth like Mark Reyland. we have been told you are friends, so we'll just paint you with the same brush, okay?

Mark Reyland’s partners gave the rights to the invention back to the inventor. Mark Reyland still advertises this inventor’s invention on his business site. He can’t stand defeat and he cannot, in particular, stand defeat by a woman it would seem. Check out this one as well. Here’s a picture for you so you can understand a little better. You can also read this blog entry here....
So you all know. Mark Reyland claims he has been friends with the owner of this company since childhood. 
Apart from still posting the inventor’s invention, posting photos of the inventor calling her a stalker, claiming she is involved with organized crime to her husband’s employer, who he initially contacted once stealing Mr. Robisons’s exactly is it that Mark Reyland settled with the inventor?

Like many of the women in Mark Reyland's life, we're sure she'd love to move on and forget she ever met the guy.
Come on Bonnie...let’s educate inventors, like you claim to be all for. You think this was all before his involvement with the UIA? Sorry again. He used his involvement with the UIA to bully this inventor into disappearing and when she wouldn't he stalked her family and hunted down her husband's employer. You can read that one here...
As far as we see it, Bonnie, Mark Reyland’s actions were not before his association with the UIA if it continues today. We'd love for you to respond how Reyland settled with the inventor while still advertising her invention on his business site for sale. Please do tell :-)

You may want to think and educate yourself before jumping into the water next time, but by all means state something intelligent and we'll back you 100%!

Oh that's right, Bonnie Kaake uses sentences which involve the words, "only". "minor" and "deviation" in them. Maybe inventors should be very careful when getting "advice" from Bonnie.

After Gizmo/Troy Robison questioned her integrity and ethics on the Linkedin group the entire thread was mysteriously deleted. Gizmo must have struck a nerve with his statement below.
Everyone needs to do the proper homework/research as stated above. If you run up on something that smells raunchy along the way you need to ask questions. The inventor community has grown over the last few yrs. There’s absolutely nothing you can’t learn or dig up.

Bonnie you made the comment to” Google Company names” and to RUN if need be. I guess I’m confused with your comment. Should inventors run all the time if something smells raunchy or should they research deeper to see if the raunchy smell goes away?

I’m taking an educated guess here, but I’m thinking your answer is to research deeper and asks questions to see if the research finding are true or not. If that’s the case then why would you slam Derek or anyone else that challenges Mark’s inventor/product developer background he says he has?

Bonnie your comments below make me question your INTEGRITY AND ETHICS in the inventor community. Who are you to say Reyland doesn’t need to justify anything to Derek. You just finished saying inventors need to Google and research and run if need be. Are you saying only certain companies or people can be questioned?

“Mark Reyland does not have to justify anything to you, Derek. He has earned his respect in the inventor community” 

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Reyland and his Fictional Personalitites

What does a conman do when he's attempting to prevent people from exposing him? He begins to make up emails from people asking questions of him. Usually these are questions that always give him a use for his own gain.

Think of it like another made up character or his invisible friend. Sometimes conmen use fictional personalitites in forums when they want to answer a question nobody asks them. Mark Reyland actually calls them "ghost members" and claims all forums have them.

We see Reyland using both methods back and forth. One day there's a poster in a forum and the next day its an email from an inventor all asking him questions which end up with the same message as an answer... don't believe all the truth that's being written about me all over the Internet and judge me on ONLY how I treat you. A good message for him to spread considering the chances are he'll treat you well because he has no interest in your invention idea. For those few who he has interest in, like baby products, kitchen gadgets, tools, a privacy invention and others, it could end very differently.

Our message would be to believe what makes sense and not just some guy who claims to be something he isn't while he stalks and hurts other companies. We can tell you that Reyland does know about hurting competitors because he spent endless hours in forums and on review sites trying to hurt Edison Nation's products once they became public knowledge. Most, if not all of the things he claims are being done against him is in reality what he's doing to others. Nothing positive and nothing good.

As the holiday approaches and most people take a break to spend with family and friends you'll find Reyland typing away on his computer in his basement. He can't help it as he appears addicted to this online reality. In our opinion, this is where he lives out his fantasy and carries on with his dreams of being whoever he chooses to be. His online life comes to a standstill and he becomes frustrated and angry. Hopefully you are not on his naughty list because this is when he spends night and day hurting businesses or products.

Mark Reyland has been reported to tell others to claim what they like online because there is no inventing degree and nobody ever checks what you claim!

This conman isn't an inventor, he's not a good business man and he's not who he claims to be. He's just some guy who found an open window of opportunity where it's very difficult to prove who knows what and where it's so easy to ride on the claim "crazy inventor" when confronted. The only thing he has ever invented is himself and hopefully this invention will one day land him where he belongs with it... behind bars!

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Mark Reyland Lies to Another Inventor

From Stephen M Brown writing about Absolutely New on the Inventor’s Digest blog,

 While I was having troubles resolving my issues with this company, I reached out to inventor Roger Brown for help. He told me to send my complaint to Mark Reyland of the UIA. At first I was skeptical because I saw that one of AbsolutelyNew’s VPs was on the UIA board, a Mr. Bill Freund. I also read that former UIA executive director Patrick Raymond had been on the board of AbsolutelyNew. This all seemed like a conflict of interest to me. However, Mr. Reyland wasted no time calling me after he received my complaint and assured me that he would bring my complaint before the UIA Board. Mr. Reyland was very good at keeping me in the loop as to the status of the situation. In a matter of weeks I was told that the UIA board had voted to pull the UIA Certification from AbsolutelyNew.
I was however disappointed to see that AbsolutelyNew was allowed to send a letter stating that they had decided not to renew their membership with the UIA as apposed to the UIA releasing a statement that AbsolutelyNew had been removed from their organization for violating the UIA standards. You can view this letter by using the following link:
It is obvious that Guardian Angel is correct that the UIA is keeping silent to avoid a costly lawsuit. This is just how the corporate world works.
We’re sure you were told this over the phone Stephen, because we already know there is no way Mark Reyland would put this in writing. Why? Chances are REALLY high he was not telling you the truth. Truth in emails and lies over the’s a pattern he has. You may find that at that time, Reyland already knew Absolutely New was not planning to re-new their membership and simply seized the opportunity to look powerful in your eyes.

There is no fear of the costly lawsuit because there was nothing more to report than to admit the truth at that point. The interesting part is when you state corporate works this way.

You’re right. So what’s the difference between the UIA now and any other corporation? Other than the obvious tax break they get from being non-profit (cough cough) this might be another one of the biggest farces going in the inventing community. Non profit groups are one of the biggest scams going in the USA today and growing. What is the point of the UIA? I think you and Guardian Angel (other poster) brought to light there really isn’t any point...just another corporation taking inventor’s money and pretending to be the good guy.
Reyland may put you on his crazy inventor list and claim he told you no such thing.

Will the United Inventors Association Vote in ANOTHER CONMAN to replace Warren Tuttle?

United Inventors Association’s President Warren Tuttle will be leaving his position soon. All votes for his President’s position had to be in by November 15th   2011. Were wondering if the UIA Members will vote in someone that has a “REAL NON MADE UP RESUME” this time around.

It’s was pretty obvious the UIA Board Members didn’t due the Proper Due Diligence on Mark Reyland’s Resume/Background he claims to have. 

We find it interesting the votes need to be emailed in PDF format to  Mark Reyland will be getting the votes since he is the administrator & Executive Director. Doesn’t that mean he can delete votes without anyone knowing about it?  Will the person voted in have a Previous relationship with Reyland ?

Reyland’s buddy Inventor Roger Brown stated on one of the LinkedIn groups he would not be accepting the position. Maybe Gizmo held his feet to the fire forcing him to re-think things just in case he was offered the position.  Let’s see if Kenny Durham from Innovators Warehouse is in the running for the position. He is another one of Reyland’s buddy’s.

Whoever is voted in as the UIA President will hopefully look at all the info that has been presented that clearly proves Mark Reyland is a Liar and CONMAN.
The New UIA President will have his/her feet held to the fire to investigate Reyland.
You can count on it .

Sunday, 13 November 2011

And the Final Word on this discussion? Guilty!

 Gizmo's answer to Inventor Roger Brown.

 By Troy Robison on LinkedIn
 Ok Roger you’re getting my response to your answers so you can stop whining like a little Kid…. By the way Roger you have shown your TRUE colors. It’s pretty obvious from your actions. You make up learning lesson on all the forums for inventors/ idea people to learn from. I think there great and a way to help people walk down the correct path not making the mistakes most of us have made in the past.

See some of your Lessons below, Pay close attention to # 7 to 10

1, Lesson # 31 Does having a Patent Guarantee You Will Make Your Money Back?
2, Lesson # 36 Sell Sheet Challenge # 2
3. Lesson # 32 You Need To Have Realistic Expectations
4. Lesson # 27 Quit Posting Your Invention on Youtube and Facebook
5. Lesson # 17 How Much Are You Willing To Spend On Your Idea Before Asking For Help?
6. Lesson # 34 This There Anything Wrong With This NDA?
7. Lesson # 32 You Are Not Doing Thorough Research On Your Idea
8. Invention Submisson Company Horror Stories
9. Why Invention Submission Companies are so Confusing.
10. Do You ask Invention Submission Companies Questions?

Roger your lessons above are all informative and people should learn from them all. People/Inventors should pay close attention to number 7 in the list because it is the most important and should be put at the top of the list because “RESEARCH” is the name of the inventor game. Proper research can reveal all the info in numbers 8 to 9 above if the inventor puts in enough time digging and asking question from some of the so called experts/veterans in the industry.

Roger you pound the word Research into the inventors heads all the time because it is important. I guess I don’t understand if I did all the proper research on Reyland with a list of the PROOF that he isn’t a successful product developer. He doesn’t have any products in retail with multiple Patents along with multi-million dollar License deals and he isn’t a Black Afro American man (Anthony High) that knows Hand to hand combat and the rest of the long list of Lies he has told. Roger why haven’t you dug deep into my accusations/claims to prove me wrong. Instead you are all worried about a lie you think I told about you getting a seat on the UIA. That’s the reason people look at it like you’re not really for protecting inventors.

Roger you have pounded inventors submission companies like Davison,AbsolutleyNew,Invent Help, Invention Home etc and posted the American Inventors Act hundreds of times on a few different inventor forums. I guess we all would like to know why you thought it was so important to post about ,especially if some of the claims against the submission companies was just hear say.
Continued below....

Roger, you say you’re out for helping/protecting inventors. If that’s the case then why don’t you give us your opinion on the actual facts we accuse Reyland of Lying about. The research has been done and it’s easy to follow. That’s the reason Reyland keeps avoiding the questions I ask.

When Reyland told me about the UIA Executive Director position he was being interviewed for it was a shock to me because he kept it quiet until the last few weeks before a decision was going to be made. I asked him how did that all come about, did you apply for the position. He said no they approached him for the position. I just didn’t believe that BS because if the UIA did the PROPER research on Reyland they would of found out what an abusive controlling person with mulit-personalities he has on a few of the inventor forums . I understand know why he didn’t tell anyone about him interviewing for the Directors position. He was afraid the un-ethical crap he pulled off on Tania would be exposed publically putting a stop to him getting the position. It was weeks later after he was awarded the Directors position things blew up and the Tania scandal was exposed to the public. That’s when he denied all the claims and said were all full of crap and nuts.

Roger, Reyland told me after he gets in the UIA he is going to sit down with Warren Tuttle the UIA acting President and get him to have Louis Foreman to tell everyone how he gets Edison Nation past looking like an inventor submission company. He wanted Louis and others off the UIA Board and wanted to bring his own team in “NEW BLOOD”. The email below should be enough evidence to prove Reyland WANTED Louis Forman out and re-organize the UIA.

Continued below,,,,,

Troy  Robison
 • Roger you were mentioned in that conversation and so was Kenny Durham and one other person. I don’t remember the other person’s full name only because I never heard of him before, I think his first name was Jeff or something like that. I really didn’t know too much about Kenny either just that he owned Innovators Warehouse.

Roger you can say if you want to that the info was here say because it was a verbal conversation with me and Reyland. But remember I could say your info about inventor Submission Companies treating inventor wrong is here say also.

John & Group Members I have NO reason to apologize to Roger Brown. The conversation between Reyland and me did for a fact take place. If you look at all the info that has been posted with proof it would be easy to think Roger Brown was in fact looking to get a seat on the UIA Board or take over Warren Tuttle’s President Position. I guess the question remains is if I wouldn’t have brought up the accusations about
Roger and the UIA would he have taken a position if offered it ? My guess is yes but that’s my opinion because Roger has protected Reyland from the get go and never really said Reyland looks guilty.

The info below was published today, it’s sad people didn’t look at the big picture when it was exposed from day one. It all could have been stopped in its tracks early on but it wasn’t. Very sad if you ask me.

Reyland keeps saying both him and his family are being stalked. The copy of his email below proves him wrong. Look at the date of the email, it was sent shortly after I exposed him one yr ago.

continued below

From: Mark Reyland Mark@Creative3D.local
Subject: EN
To: "Margaret" < >, "Sally" < >, "Troy" <gizmo >, tania@, "Ron" <rjlinnov@ >
Date: Tuesday, September 7, 2010, 7:20 AM

I wanted you all to know that I have left EN but not because of you. I’m leaving EN because of my family. I was struck pretty hard when my daughter called me crying and asked if I was okay. One of her friends had come across EN and sent her a link to these postings, she read much of what you all wrote, and it hurt her deeply - as it did my wife.

I have worked hard to help inventors, and in fact I have helped most of you. Taking my time and in many cases spending my own money to help people find a little success.

Obviously you all feel I have wronged you in some way, and that’s ok. What I would ask you to do is take a moment and remember the ways I have helped you.
Please understand in the future when you wage war against someone publicly you hurt not only them, but the people who care about them.

Good luck to you all, and I wish you much success with your inventing.

Just as Reyland ended this email with well wishes, he was still busy on the forums publicly bashing the inventors and stalking Tania daily.

So there you go Roger, I fulfilled your request. You need to look in the MIRROR and really make a decision if your 100% dedicated to the inventor community and want to help or Talk out of Both Side Of Your MOUTH .

John and other group members I apologize to you all for my long post. It needed to be done this way.

My Vote is Obvious Reyland is GUILTY .

We have been sent an email from someone who has reason to believe Mark Reyland has hired a reputaion defender to help bury all the bad about him. It won't work Reyland but it may just burn a hole in your wallet! We known you don't have any money from your made up product development company. Maybe you can dig into the UIA money bucket to pay the companies fee's.

Have you seen the pictures in Images of Reyland? Can you guess which one he used for his profile picture in the ladies forums? We'll give you a's the one which looks like it was taken when he was in his 30's. WOW, he must REALLY believe he's charming because he's almost 50! The picture of him below isnt his hair, It's been PhotoShopped BigTime

So far the only NOT GUILTY vote is by Mark Reyland himself .

Mark T.  Reyland

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Does Conman Reyland Have a Conman Friend?

We have to say these inventors are sharp and know their stuff. It's not about venting, or beating a dead horse. It's about making the inventing industry a little safer for new inventors coming in. Seasoned inventors won't fall for these guys but it's not seasoned inventors we're all worried about. Why expose Reyland and his dirty little friends? Because it's what we all should be doing, looking out for one another and making the statement...not in MY community! Good job guys!

john  Young


Well I thought something was up. It was funny that someone would suddenly appear saying why they joined the group, instead of just joining. I also found it odd that our new 4 members were Roger Brown { which I'm not saying had anything to do with it } and Hutton from Texas and the other 2 from Texas. Then he post how wonderful he is at inventing. Then he targets my discussions. Well you all have been scammed by Mark Reyland, why Mark. The like on his comment was from Texas, Hutton is from Texas, and Hutton's message was STOP THE PUKE. Clearly to disrupt the BBQ. And as I commented, I knew sooner than later he would provoke me in to a confirmation about it. Add it all up and you know how Tania feels now. Carolyn This is the leader of your UIA, how do you feel now. Brian, Luminita, you were almost scammed by him. Google him under scams with his name and you will see a long list to view. Can I prove it was Mark that put him up to this, NO, but it is more likely than not. Also Troy did some research, I will let him have the honors of telling you what he found. This is why I do this, scams, to protect you and me. I agree that this back and fourth name calling is bull, but its necessary to expose these scams for what they are. Now that this guy got in , Im going to make the group private. I will google everyone from this point on. Come on Mark do you think that I'm that stupid. Admit it, it stings just a little !!!

J. Jovan Philyaw reinvents himself again
() By Eric Celeste Thursday, Apr 10 2003
A few years ago, we told you about Dallas' own Music Man, J. Jovan Philyaw ("Goodbye Kitty," June 6, 2001), the man behind the CueCat, Net Talk Live!, Tripledge Wipers and other testaments to his con-artistry. Now, Jovan has reinvented himself again--and this time, Buzz must say, he's really outdone himself, in the same entertainingly psycho way that Iraqi Information Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf outdoes himself with each new press conference. ("There are no tanks. Oh, those tanks, the ones behind me? We have those tanks surrounded.")

Jovan is no longer Jovan. Now he's J. Hutton Pulitzer. Does Mr. Pulitzer have anything to do with the recently announced Pulitzer Prizes? No. What does Mr. Pulitzer do? Not sure. Read his Web site ( and see if you can figure it out. When Dmagazine tried to find out, mean ol' JHP just swore at the mag.

Buzz, however, is confident that there are two things we know for sure about JHP. First, we know that he's selling his crystals. What crystals, you ask? The ones that make up the "Pulitzer Collection" (, a coupla hunks of mineral that used to adorn his offices at Digital Convergence Corp., the company that brought you the CueCat and helped send its primary investor, The Dallas Morning News, into a PR nightmare.

The second thing we know about JHP is why he's selling these objects of "powerful spiritual significance," as he puts it. That's because even though, according to his Web site, the Pulitzer Collection "represents Gods' [sic] devine [double sic] communication of Himself and beauty to humanity," the Lord ain't been so good to Jovan's pocketbook lately. For example, Digital Convergence last year filed for Chapter 7 protection from creditors, meaning DCC's remaining assets could be liquidated to pay the bills.

Apparently shielded from that secular action were these magnificent crystals, which were created when "70 million years ago, God touched the earth," JHP notes. (Odd, since you'd think God would have done so when the earth was created some 4.6 billion years ago, but, hey, Buzz ain't no theologian.) If you would like to purchase the Pulitzer Collection--to channel its incredible huckster power, to ward off gargoyles, to simply use as a paperweight--you can do so on the Web site. Buzz opens the bidding at $37.5 million...oh, wait, that's how much CueCat cost the Morning News. Oh, dear. Now Buzz is confused.
4 hours ago

john YoungWhere They Are Now
By: Fast CompanyMarch 1, 2004
Fast Company readers asked us to help track down once-prominent business leaders and innovators who have largely fallen off the business radar. Here's what the Fast Company team discovered about the now-old New Economy luminaries.

J. Jovan Philyaw

Then: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Digital:Convergence Corp.

Now: What do you do once you've bilked companies such as the Belo Corp., Radio Shack, Young & Rubicam, and Coca-Cola of investments between $10 million and $37.5 million for a product that flops? You change your name. Philyaw, the masterful pitchman between the CueCat, a cutely named handheld barcode scanner that was supposed to bridge print media and the Web, apparently now does business under the name J. Hutton Pulitzer -- or the one-word moniker "Jovan." Operating J. Hutton Pulitzer and Co. out of Dallas, the inventor of what has been decried as "one of the most ridiculed products of the Internet era," now specializes in the "development of unique intellectual property." Such as? Bottled rainwater. Crystals. And a forthcoming book entitled Generational Curses. Will Jovan be foiled again? Only time will tell.

Date Requested: Feb. 19, 2004
Peter DunnExcellent work John I knew that there was something strange about the guy..His photo is creepy and the way he abused you out of the blue really got me thinking. Talk about arriving on the scene beating his chest screaming out listen to me was weird..People like that are just full of themselves or whoever’s ego that he possess at the time
Troy  Robison
Troy RobisonJohn,

I’m not really sure what to say about your findings. All I can say is if you go to and do a patent applications search on (J. Hutton Pulitzer) you will find there are 48 "Published" applications. 46 out of 48 were published in 2006; the other 2 were in 2007.

I looked at all of them then decided to search “patents only” and didn’t find any that were issued. So I decided I need to go check a few of the applications in the USPTO Patent Pair files. After checking out 4 to 5 I decided there was something very wrong because everyone of the applications I looked at indicated the published applications went abandoned due to “Failure to respond to office actions” to the USPTO.

After checking out all 48 applications all of them had been abandoned due to not responding to office actions to the USPTO. What that means John is there are NO patents that were issued to J, Hutton Pulitzer that are tied to the 48 apps.

I also found it strange in the USPTO Pair “File Wrapper” there was files that shown Notification of withdrawal of Attorney (Power of Attorney) was transferred back to J.Hutton Pulitzer with 2 different TEXAS addresses in all the apps. One in Frisco and the other in Addison Texas There were files indicating a change of address also, and then when the USPTO mailed the abandoned letter to Hutton it was returned to the USPTO Undelivered.

Searching Jeffry Jovan Philyaw patents or applications will produce some in his name alone. Some will show David Kent Mathews from Carrollton, TX as co-inventor also. With the Assignee listed as Digital Convergence Corporation in Dallas Texas.

(If) the Hutton person you’re confronting is the same person as the applications I located then yes there is a problem with his identity and claims.
39 minutes ago

and it looks like Roger Brown is just getting on everyone's nerves as usual with his constant whining and apparent need for attention. We think Derek Pater has it right when he calls Roger at playing decoy to move the attention away from Reyland....

john Young Roger,

I have no problem having Gizmo answer it. If you want to start a new discussion fine with me. But this thread is done. Everyone is sick of this crap and so am I. I understand you want him to say it ! But Ive already said his claims are baseless !

What do you want, should we start this crap over again. Lets ask the members ?

Start a discussion and I will stand by my claims for you, or if you really want to take Hutton and Brian's advice let it go! Seems when It comes to Mark you want it over, but not when it comes to Gizmo you want the bitchfest! Perhaps I should change the name of the group to { Inventors for American Entertainment }. Its up to you Gizmo, One last post to show proof about Roger or say you don't have it, then its over. Roger This was about Mark, no one here ever saw anything about you other than my suggesting you have an interest in the UIA. You said publicly NO so my claims are baseless

I really didn't see any claims Gizmo had about you other than that here!

THE VOTE STARTS NOW !!!! We can get in to your claims later, Don't try to delay the vote. EVERYONE PLEASE VOTE,,,,,, NOW I NEED YOUR HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



We agree. Other than Troy's insinuation that Roger was looking for a position in the UIA, we have not seen any accusations made by him against Roger. We also insinuated the same thing. Guess Roger Brown really wants everyone to understand he does not want to be part of the UIA. We don't blame him really.